Updates are useful, sometimes they fix issues and sometimes boost the performance. If you’re connecting a second display to your computer, but Windows does not recognize it even when the connection, cables, and everything is correct, then possibly the trouble is in the drivers. A buggy, corrupted, or outdated driver can prevent the PC from recognizing your second monitor. This issue can be resolved easily by updating or reinstalling the installed drivers. Updating the drivers will not only recognize your second monitor but also fix other problems with displays. Here is how to update the drivers for a display connected to Windows 10 PC. You can install the driver’s update from the Device Manager as well as from the manufacturer control panel. How to update the graphics drivers on Windows 10 from Device Manager It is the most natural way of updating the drivers in Microsoft Windows 10. Follow the steps given here to update the drivers on your PC. 1. Bring up the ‘St...